What is this all about?

As Chair of the Department of Economics at UCCS, I often run across (or have sent to me) information about career opportunities. Also, I often have materials on career preparation that I wish to make available to students. Unfortunately, distributing this material is often cumbersome.

This site should aid in this effort as it will serve as a central clearinghouse for career information.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Quarterly Employment and Wage Data

If you are in the career exploration stage, you might want to take a look at Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages; it provides a nice summary of what jobs are paying at the local level.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What is the competition like?

Students often ask "What can I do with this degree?" While there is no easy answer (there are too many options), a common choice is to go into the financial sector. This job sector is very competitive. To give you a feel for how competitive, consider this article from Business Week: They Want To Eat Your Lunch.